Critical Input 2019

As 2019 draws to a close, I would like to take the
opportunity to thank you for what’s been a year of
success and evolution for Critical Input (CI). As I
reflect on the year, I feel a sense of transition and
pride for what we’ve collectively achieved.
While CI was founded in 2007, 2019 marked the first
year that we significantly transitioned from our former
partnership with STEP Supply Chain Pty Ltd. We have
taken our rich experience of business improvement
within supply chain and capital projects, added a
fresh new brand and re-invigorated our approach.
We’ve been overwhelmed with the support we’ve
received from clients – new and old – during this
year. Thank you.

At the centre of everything we do are three
values: process, because without process,
there is no destination; people, because without
buy-in, there is no evolution; and principles – because
integrity is everything. We have handpicked a team
that can provide the right resources and the right
mindset at the right time. Critical Input takes a simple
approach to allow organisational enablers – both
people and processes – to improve activities. We
see that as critical – hence the business name.
By collaborating closely with our clients, we’ve
started to build a high-performing, agile and
engaged team. I’m proud to say we’ve provided
expertise and resources to help clients to kick
significant goals. From coordinating shut-downs,
awarding major contracts, facilitating change
management and managing complex projects,
our expert team has worked both strategically and
at the coalface in sectors ranging from water and
energy, to mining and heavy industry.

A special thanks to our senior consultants Chris Bevin,
Paul Calligaris, Stephanie Cush, Michael Duncan, John
Edwards, Tim Garland, Melissa Kimlin, Gerard Madam,
Ruth Pedrina, David Robinson, Mark Smith and Tom
Whiting, as well as my beloved wife and finance
manager Bettina, for going above and beyond to
deliver stellar work.

During 2019, we also pledged to support grassroots
charity Drought Angels with pro bono professional
services and cash donations. The bushfires blanketing
our biggest city have highlighted to city folk just how
tough it’s been in the bush. We all feel for the farmers
who grow our food.

As we look to 2020, the Critical Input team is
committed to continuing to bring a positive mindset
and embrace this time of growth and evolution. Lastly,
the holiday season is a great time to rest, reflect and
rejuvenate with your loved ones. Be safe and enjoy
this special time of
year. From all of us at
Critical Input, we wish
you a very happy festive
season and look forward
to seeing you in 2020.

Kind regards,
Tim Griffiths